System development and integration for business systems.

Let business requirements guide the tools – not the other way around. Let hos help you digitize your processes with tailored system support.

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Systemintegration systemutveckling


Smart system integration and system development

Do you feel that the functionality of your digital tools, or the lack of integration between them, are holding you back in your digitisation and development work? Let us develop adaptations, integrations or completely customised tools for you. We build everything from simpler system integrations between business systems, to completely new apps developed for your specific processes.



Customer satisfaction




In the industry

Integrate your system through agile system development

Whether you need help with system integration or developing an application, we can help you get the project to port on time and on budget.

System integration
System development

System integration of your business systems

Having systems that do not cooperate is costly and resource-intensive. Do you have any questions about whether we can help you get your systems to work together? Contact us.

Further is also an official partner of Fortnox, which means that we help companies with Fortnox-integration

App- & systemutveckling

Do you need help building a new application or developing a system? Then we can help you!

In order to develop your new solution, we need to understand your business and the processes to be supported. We therefore start projects in system development with one or more workshops where, together with you, we identify the functions you need to make your everyday life more efficient.

Create a specific project request. We are quick with needs analysis and solution proposals. Contact us



What our customers say.


NDA ökade sin lönsamhet genom outsourcad IT

Further levererar hanterad IT-drift till NDA, som är ett företag inom Life science. Genom moderna IT-tjänste...
IT rekryteringsföretag

Nordic Interim bytte till Further för att få snabb IT-support

Nordic Interim, ett företag inom ledningsrekrytering och bemanning, var trötta på att inte få snabb hjälp oc...
Biolamina logga
Isofol logga
NDA group logo


Frågor om systemutveckling & integration av system

Vad är systemintegration?

Systemintegration innebär att minst två IT-system kopplas ihop och att informationen mellan dem sker automatiskt. Kort förenklat kan man säga att systemen pratar med varandra. 

Med hjälp av API kan vi bygga integrationer mellan era olika system. Det innebär i praktiken att du inte behöver dubbelarbete och skriva in samma uppgifter i olika system.

Does it sound good?

We are happy to help you digitize and automate the company's systems and processes. Choose how you prefer to get in touch, or book a meeting directly with our sales department.

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